Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hho KT220 Series Torch System

Best new hho dry cell hydrogen generation system that you just plug in and use. Creates over 40 liters of hho gas per minute and is light weight and roles on wheels. Also works great as a engine cleaning system so come see what all the hypes about. Hho KT220 Series Torch System

Friday, September 18, 2015

Did CERN See Another Dimension Today??

This is no joke..this is really happening..go to youtube now and watch the videos talking of CERN Scientist disappear. This is true as hell!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

CDC Whistleblower Revealed

This is a video explaining the story!

Dr. Unloads On Safe Vaccines

SHOCKING!!! McDonald's giving free vaccines! Discussion with DR.Andrew Wakefield and his war on vaccine's. He proves they Are A Deliberate attack on our health. The risk does not outweigh the reward! Millions being accounted for by Big Pharma before they are even born as pharmaceutical companies forecast their annual earnings by looking at mandatory vaccines and how newborns and others are now projected income forecasts. How they(FDA and Big Pharma), know the side effects of vaccines(especially the MMR vaccine) and are counting on recipients as life long pharmaceutical users because of all the health problems(autism,pancreatitis,diabetes and more) that they know the recipients will develop and have their whole life. This is Real Facts People!
     Listen, I know Alex is hard to stomach sometimes, but please watch this whole video and SHARE IT! This is a war on humanity and mainly our children for generations to come if we do not fight and stop this and the first step is knowledge because as G.I.JOE said,"Knowing is Half the Battle". Please share, do as the DR.says and bring this to your senators and civil servants. We need to act now as mandatory vaccinations are becoming wide spread. It has to stop! There are downloadable documents of proof as well as one for your house representatives so please get them and use them to blow the lid on this thing and stop them from poisoning our children!